About COVA


Our goal is to restore the original landscape of our hearts,
and to create the "Satoumi of the future".

At the heart of Ago Bay's beauty is the workings of man and nature
in its beautiful natural setting.
Only when there are those who work with nature there will nature become richer,
providing the benefits of the harvest to those who live there,
and then enable them to work with nature once again.
This is the sustainable cycle of the Satoumi that has continued in Ago Bay since ancient times.
Long before the SDG's were proposed, Satoumi lifestyles had continued for generations.
My goal is to rebuild this wonderful cycle, which today is on the verge of being broken.

COVA aims to restore the beautiful Satoumi lifestyles again, and rebuild the cycle of nature,
to bring back “Genfukei” -the landscape of
our formative experiences that would last for next 50 to 100 years.

Produced by KAKUDA Pearls


A retreat for adults
where you can revitalize yourself
in the coves of Ago Bay

Revitalizing yourself in the hideaway of Ago Bay.
COVA is a place for retreating yourself in a tranquility away
from your daily life, and refreshing yourself to start out another day.


Future Satoumi is evolving

If you listen closely, you can still hear the liveliness in the 1950s,
where many people worked at the factory, which they called COVA.
KAKAUDA Pearls Farm reminisces the past,
keeping good memories, but also to continue evolving
to lead into the future Satoumi.



Tension and relaxation, movement and stillness, light and shadow,
COVA offers you an exclusive and bespoke experiences in a hidden cove.